Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Blog!

Hey guys! I've been thinking about this for awhile, and I think I might switch to a new site for my blog... I've been noticing a lot of artist have been using tumblr. and after looking at a few I began to like the simplicity. I would rather not have so much junk cluttered around on the site, and have a little less room for customizing as it proves to take up too much of my time. So I figured if I switched I would be able to start new and primarily only post my art, and hopefully it will entice me to post often short quick posts. So I would like to say thank you all who have watched me all this time, and I do hope you will still keep up with me on my new blog! :D

For now I will keep this blog up for awhile, since I have no reason to take it down yet. But I probably won't be posting here too much as I would like to get accustomed to the new layout on tumblr. So stay tuned! I will surely try to get some posting started on the new site! ^_^

P.S. Please let me know what you think! I will be adding a new background soon that I created, but otherwise it's really blank right now. So I would really love it if you could comment and let me know your opinions of the change! :D


  1. Hey do what you must, girlie! tumblr sounds like a more professional place to head to as well. I think Blogger was a great startup point for you. Keep this up though. It'll be fun to review when you finally get up to BSU. (psst, one of the profs make you sign up for blogger accounts.) *laughs*

  2. Thanks so much dear!!! And I do plan to, it'll just be a tuffy trying to get some time when I want. ^_^

    No way! That's awesome!!! Thanks for letting me know! XD


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