Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lots New! - - Including Projects 7, and 8

Yay! I finally posted again! I'm so sorry it's been so long since I posted last!... Ok, so a lot has happened and I've been cooked with a never ending to do list, and no time to let you in on it!...

 Some bits of Excitement
Two years ago we purchased Little Big Planet for the PS3, a game with immense imaginative and inspirational qualities. There has never been a game like it before, and it quickly caught my heart early on even before it's release. And amazingly only days before the arrival of LBP2 I was still hooked on LBP1! For two straight years me and my brother have never ceased playing or lost interest. So obviously we were very excited for 2.

Also on deviantArt I was alerted that they will be hosting a contest for the best deviation of a LBP2 level!
 I really hope I'll have time enough to enter something... But currently I'm really at a loss for some good ideas... 

Other Fun News
So after longing and wishing to have a house cat for nearly all my life, I got my wish! And it was the weirdest thing ever! My dad is allergic to animals, so that is why we don't have indoor pets, but he also seamed to never really care to have them in the house regardless of his allergies... Anyway, a few days ago I snuck my kitten Aphelion in my room (this was ok because he never goes in my room and he let me do it before. I also had everything I needed for it to stay up there anyway) So he ends up hearing it meow because it was lonely by itself upstairs while I was gone momentarily while I was showing him my new doodles. He didn't freak or anything, simply walked upstairs with me to see her and, (get this...) started petting and playing with her!! I was baffled! And in this promising turn of events I decided to push my luck, and ask if I could keep her up there for awhile. And to my utter surprise, not ONLY did he except unnaturally heartily but asked if I should get another to stay up and keep her company... O_O ...This is my dad.... The one who makes all the mean jokes about my animals, and used to blow up if we even MENTIONED animals in the house.... I'm not sure what else to say....

Pictures are worth 1000 words :)

She's very playful and polite. She listens well, and is ALWAYS purring! She has olive green eyes, that promise to stare right into your soul. O_o

Easily amused, she likes watching the mouse on my screen. But I think she really liked How to Train Your Dragon! 

Yeah... She's not much for cameras though....

Few More Things Consisting of Projects!
Ok so I haven't been slacking off all this time just to let you know. I've been working on lots of drawings. the two biggest projects being these:

Project #7 - My Little Big Planet Sackgirl Portrait

Since it came out two years ago, I have avidly played and enjoyed Little Big Planet, like I said before. And I recently had an idea to use a drawing of my sackgirl as my LBP avatar! 

And this is my progress so far! --More Info--

I'm currently working on a level to incorporate this portrait. I'm not sure yet, but I'll let you know if I get to work on it more. I am SO close to platinuming LBP 1!! All I need is 30 hearts (or favorites) to myself for the trophy create! I hope to be able to platinum it soon so I can be at ease while playing LBP2, not feeling like I didn't quite make the mark yet to move on... :)

Project #8 - ???

I reaaallly wanted to get it over with and post this tonight, so I will update with a new post on #8 when I have permission... (I'm not sure yet if it's ok to let everyone in on this one yet...) But at least you may have something to look forward to! 

Thanks so much for looking!!!!!
P.S. - Updated deviantArt awhile ago. And just now updated the My Art page. 
Oh! and I couldn't find a place to put this cool new word I found, so I guess I'll put it here! --Spirituel 


Saturday, January 8, 2011


So, I decided to post today. :) Since I don't have anything prepared I might as well recap since Christmas.

On Christmas we got to enjoy some longer than usual family time, which is always a blessing! My brother and sister-in-law came home, and we got the amazing news that Raeanne is PREGNANT!!!!
Altogether making it the coolest gift ever. :) 

New Years was pretty basic. I got to hang out with my Mom/Dad/Little brother, and watched movies and played cards till barely midnight when they all wimped out and went to bed. But I can't complain because I had a great time, and I had been needing to catch up on some very much needed sleep. 
I am currently recovering from the flu. I caught it from my Dad who we thought had been food poisoned after eating some expired food in the back of the fridge... But realized it was indeed the flu after I started getting sick on Thursday... It really wasn't much fun, (obviously) I'm not sure exactly, but I lost somewhere between five and eight pounds, and had a fever of a hundred-and-three.

I did a lot of Photoshoping this month/last month. My favorite drawing being this: Calm
Hopefully I'll be able to post more about that whole project sometime in the vicinity of whatever is a reasonable time for myself.... 

And because I don't like quotidion blogs:
Progress of this post

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