Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 18 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity.

I have to admit, this 30 day thing is A LOT harder then I thought it would be.... -_-
I've gotten to the point where I'm not sure if I posted already, or didn't post, or forgot a post, and it's gotten really confusing! Anyway I don't know what my insecurity is... Maybe my hair? It is always annoying me, and it never cooperates. But that's not really an insecurity is it? 
Lets see... says insecurity is: "lack of confidence; self doubt" 

Oh ok... Then I guess that wouldn't work....Hmmm...
I guess I can't really say I have many insecurities then...Oh, well guess I will occasionally doubt my drawing abilities ever now and again though. Like when I see these amazing little kids drawing amazingly when they are years younger then me... It's kind of upsetting...

Ok so I couldn't find all the "little" kids art, but I assure you they are out there!!! And it's also hard to see how good people are only a few years older than me, because I don't see myself bing that good that soon.... But oh well, there you have it. :)

This is about the best I have so far in original art... I still have a LONG way to go.... -_-

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