Sunday, November 6, 2011

Still Alive and Well!

Hey there friends. :)
Wow it's been a long time since I've posted here. I'm really sorry I can't keep this blog going, it was so fun while it lasted! *cries*
Haha, but nah it's alright, I'm just excited for the things to come! As you know I have switched blogs. I really wanted something that would be really convenient so I could keep people updated with even the little projects, and have something I could update much more often... Tumblr has achieved more then I ever hoped for, and I really love it! But I also miss the feed back I got from you guys, but I understand it's a hassle getting familiar with other blogs, so no worries. ^_^

Was just curious as to how many of you were still following me. And was earnestly wondering if you would be interested if I ether started this blog up again, or if you would be willing to follow me on Tumblr. Or really just what you like hearing/seeing from me. I would be ecstatic to hear your thoughts!

My Life As It Is
So now that I'm here for a bit I thought I would give a little update, you know, for old times sake. Hehe...

Now that school has been going awhile I've been short on time as always...(What else is new? -_-)
But I still update my Tumblr every now and again.
Some recent events:

  • Weekend retreat with youth group
  • Drivers training started
  • Skillet Concert
  • And best of all, little Kaylen was born on August 31st ^_^ (She's my niece)
Isn't she the cutest?!? XD

So yeah, all been good. As far as art goes I have been improving steadily which is nice to know. :)
I'm really excited for PSEO to be done so I can go to real college and do so many fun projects and learn new things!!!
I'm a Junior this year and attending online college for two years before I get my degree in Design Technology.

So thanks again for reading. Means a bunch to me! ^_^

God Bless! And have a good year.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Blog!

Hey guys! I've been thinking about this for awhile, and I think I might switch to a new site for my blog... I've been noticing a lot of artist have been using tumblr. and after looking at a few I began to like the simplicity. I would rather not have so much junk cluttered around on the site, and have a little less room for customizing as it proves to take up too much of my time. So I figured if I switched I would be able to start new and primarily only post my art, and hopefully it will entice me to post often short quick posts. So I would like to say thank you all who have watched me all this time, and I do hope you will still keep up with me on my new blog! :D

For now I will keep this blog up for awhile, since I have no reason to take it down yet. But I probably won't be posting here too much as I would like to get accustomed to the new layout on tumblr. So stay tuned! I will surely try to get some posting started on the new site! ^_^

P.S. Please let me know what you think! I will be adding a new background soon that I created, but otherwise it's really blank right now. So I would really love it if you could comment and let me know your opinions of the change! :D

Monday, May 16, 2011

New digital paint pic just finished! Take a look at my new dA ID too! :D Kaidamai on deviantArt
P.S. Thanks for all your votes guys!!! I was really surprised to get so many!
Finally decided to go with no. 2. You helped me realize that I do like my name, but I should only have one alias, so Kaidamai it is!

Thanks Again!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hey I found the amazing artist kid I was talking about! (Well I was talking about young kids in general, but this one blows most of them out of the water. ^_^)

-Sakunapop on deviantArt (He/She is 13 years old. -_-)

Here's a quick sample:

I don't care very much for the art style per se, but it goes without saying that he/she has incredible talent.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Just want to say a quick sorry for being so distracted lately... I mean this is a sketch/art blog right? I will try to keep things on track from now on, and limit my posts to short and sweet. :)

Some people say he looks like a Sackboy, but he's not. I'm not sure what he is but I just call him 'my little blue thing'. ^_^

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Poll - Please Comment

Hey I made a new poll! Basically I'm not sure about my username on devaintArt, so I was wondering if you would all be good enough as to give me some feedback, maybe?

I'm going to make this quick so here is the back story from my first dA journal entry: Backstory
And to sum that up: I like it, but there's that whole "I'm not sure it's catchy enough, or does it fit me well enough" thing bugging me... So if you could let me know if you like it, or if you think I should change it,
And it's also really annoying having the whole Zarana thing attached to me... I guess it's kind of who I am now, but to be Kaidamai on dA and want people to know me as Zarana is very confusing.
(If you want to know why I'm not Zarana on dA it's because it wasn't available -_-)

So yeah, random I know (and probably pointless) but I would like your input anyway, just to know if this thing might bug other people as much as me. ^_^

*Poll located on the left side bar :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Finally, a Relevant Post!

Oh it feels SO good to just be done with that thing... It had become far too tiresome to stand.
Anyway, all has been good! I'm really glad to be done with school now that spring is (supposedly) on it's way!
I have the great news that I will be going to New York come the 10th of May! And I have been looking at some Japanese/Korean clothing recently, and I found some really cheep stuff online! I'm going to be attending a very high end dinner whilst visiting the city, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to get a new dress!......or two... And I've also been REALLY wanting to get a cardigan for a long time since I don't have one, and my mother was kind enough to allow me to order one with my dresses! But the sad thing is, I HAVE NO IDEA WHICH ONE!!!! So as I truly can't decide I was wondering if any of you could help me? It would mean a lot if you could let me know which one you think is best!!!! :D

Option no. 1

Option no. 2


Friday, April 29, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Swift End

I know this is pretty sad, but I think I'm going to have to give up on this thing... I figured I wouldn't make it very far so I guess it was going to happen eventually... ^_^

To make things better I am going to try and pack all the other questions into one post quick and get on with some more art posts! So here goes 12 posts in one...

Day 19 - A picture and a letter - L

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel - Japan

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget - Black Eyed Peas song - I Gotta Feelin' 

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at - Drawing in general

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book - A Series of Unfortunate Events (The entire series) 

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change - Weather/Season

Day 25 - A picture of your day - Taken a few days ago. Today is not much different.

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you - 
Stuffed moose Erik got me on trip to Maine, and angel bear he got me when I was around 6-8 years old

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member - Me and brother Karl on a cruise 2009

Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of - Poison Ivy

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

Day 31 - A picture of yourself

Thanks for keeping up with  me all this time! 

Day 18 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity.

I have to admit, this 30 day thing is A LOT harder then I thought it would be.... -_-
I've gotten to the point where I'm not sure if I posted already, or didn't post, or forgot a post, and it's gotten really confusing! Anyway I don't know what my insecurity is... Maybe my hair? It is always annoying me, and it never cooperates. But that's not really an insecurity is it? 
Lets see... says insecurity is: "lack of confidence; self doubt" 

Oh ok... Then I guess that wouldn't work....Hmmm...
I guess I can't really say I have many insecurities then...Oh, well guess I will occasionally doubt my drawing abilities ever now and again though. Like when I see these amazing little kids drawing amazingly when they are years younger then me... It's kind of upsetting...

Ok so I couldn't find all the "little" kids art, but I assure you they are out there!!! And it's also hard to see how good people are only a few years older than me, because I don't see myself bing that good that soon.... But oh well, there you have it. :)

This is about the best I have so far in original art... I still have a LONG way to go.... -_-

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 17 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 17: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

Well as you should rightly know by now, the death of my brother last year has been the biggest impact on my life yet, and it will probably always be. This is a picture of me and my family at his "celebration of life" ceremony.

Day 16 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 16: A picture of someone who inspires you.

-_-.... I think we have been through this enough, and I'm tired.... These people inspire me....


(Erik - My brother)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 15 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die.

Well it's funny I was just talking about this the other day, but one thing I would REALLY love to do is go to Japan. Even though I complain a lot about anime and trying to move on, I simply would really like to go to Japan! It is such a different place than here, and I would really like to experience it one day.
Isn't the cherry blossoms amazing!? 

And the one thing I plan to do is have a family. I pretty much have based my whole life off that premise so far, and it would be sad if it never came to be. I suppose till now that is my one fear in life. To be single forever. T-T

(One of my doodles during church a few months back)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 14 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 14: A picture of someone you couldn't imagine your life without.

Hahaha I just noticed this is kinda going back and forth between things like my hobbies and the things that are important to me. I guess you can all guess by now who this would be. Naturally before Erik died I thought a lot about the idea of him not being around anymore, and I simply couldn't imagine, no matter how hard I tried. And now, I know I could never imagine my life if Erik were not in it at all. I simply can't do it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 13 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.

Well I think I'm going to play with this one a bit since I don't actually have a fav band/artist (in the music sense).... I never seem to have a favorite since I will only periodically have a favorite song going in my head for about a week, then it wheres off... SOoooo I will show you my favorite ART artist! :D

(This is the best pic I could find of her ^_^)

This is an amazing artist known only to me as Cartoongirl7. I started watching her a few months ago on DA, and I can't get over how much I love her art!!! Every new piece she makes never ceases to send my mind whizzing with disbelief! As much as I have been trying to avoid anime now days, I'm sure I will never be able to stop wishing to draw the way she can! X3

Here are some of her AMAZING works!!!!

My no.1 fav right now!!! 

I love the way she draws hair! <3

Another I'm very fond of.

This is a close second to the first. *sigh*

And of course I can't neglect the unfathomable incredibleness of this!!!!! 

Day 12 - 30 Day Challenge

Hey sorry for not posting these yet! Was gone so it will just have to slide... =3

Day 12: A picture of something you love
By far, more than any earthly thing, I love my family. They are the only thing that keeps me sane, and the only reason I am who I am. They are my greatest treasure.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 11 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 11: A picture of something you hate.

Well I couldn't really think of anything I really hate, (For one because I don't actually TRULY hate anything... I may just greatly dislike it :) ) So I'm gonna have to go with bad hair days. My hair has had a lot of ups and downs lately, and it gets to the point where I can get pretty irritated... Those are the days I get out the hats. ^_^

But yeah, my mind is pretty blank today, so I guess this will have to do. :P

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 10 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the craziest things with

I would definitely have to say Raeanne. We used to stay up late while she was living with us and we would start babbling nonsense to each other for hours on end.... I've never acted that idiotic around anyone else. XD

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 9 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

Well I would have to say Jesus has gotten me through the most. Because of my faith in Christ I have been able to overcome every obstacle that has been put in my way so far. Although I am still overcoming I know I will never have to go through anything by myself, because I know he is always with me.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 8 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 8: A picture that makes you laugh.

I've always thought this picture was pretty funny. It was taken a few years ago of my cat Sunny. She always had a unique sense of humor that I haven't seen in a cat before. She always took pleasure in doing what she could to prove she was better then us. She used to sit on top of the basketball hoop and just glare at us... It was funny. :D

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 7 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 7: A picture of your most treasured item.

Hahahaha, I'm so glad I still have these pics! My entire goal through this is to not to have to take ANY pictures for this thing, and just use ones I have. So Ha! Still going strong! :D

So yes, this is it. The one thing I could feasibly go insane if I lost, broke etc...
For over four years of my collective life, I have extensively correlated every piece of scrap art and most prized drawing I have created into this here portable hard drive. Not only do I have scans of pictures that I still physically posses, but also the very many, (and I mean VERY many) drawing I have given to friends and family over the years which I will never see again. Not to mention the hordes of Photoshop files, Flash files, Frootyloop files, pictures-I-have-taken-and-didn't-have-time-to-back-up files, program plug-ins, video game save states, ALL my music, and basically everything I posses in the digital form.... So yes, as shamed as I am to say it, this is my LIFE sustained in a black 3X5 inch box nick-named by Erik (The former owner) Dark Knight....

 OH! And did I forget to mention ALL AND EVERYTHING ERIK HAD TOO?!?!?!?!

Yeah I guess I better go back it up now that I mentioned it.... O_o

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 6 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 6: A picture of a person you would love to trade places with for a day.

Simply put.


I like myself exactly how I am, thank you very much. :P

.............Fine here's a picture for all you text haters....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 5 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 5: A picture of your Favorite memory.

Well, even though it says memory, (single) I'm going to have to pick a few since I have MANY fond memories.

 2008 we went to Disney World in Florida.  I spent a whole wonderful week with my family, and I will never forget each and every moment of that trip. This is in Epcot.

 And of course the lovely cruise we enjoyed in 2009. The food was great, the shows were nice. But best of all was laying around in the sun all day. :D

 And I think most recently, I have looked back most often to the few days I spent with Erik the week before he past. I will never forget his kindness to me then. All he wanted was to spend time teaching me Photoshop and playing MMOs with me. We stayed up late chatting a few nights, and all day hanging out. He spoke to me about my troubles and never stopped to think of his own. He taught me how to care for others more than myself no matter what. And I will always be grateful for the great blessing he was in the lives of everyone he met. I have never met anyone like Erik, and I don't believe I will ever meet anyone like him again. And I thank God everyday for giving him to me, for how he taught me, and how he changed me. Erik's my hero, and I will treasure him forever. :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 4 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 4: A picture of your night

So I didn't really know what to put for this one since I have no pictures of my typical night (Mostly Photoshoping something, reading, journaling, or drawing) And I have no interest in taking pictures of myself looking at a computer screen, (Which is what I do most of the time) so I decided to change it to something more interesting, like "A picture of you and something that has changed" ....Or something like that... Basically I just wanted to post this picture since I think it's cool to see my hair way back when it was actually BLOND. And really super long. I finally cut it two years ago. I was getting fed up with it getting caught on door handles, and buckled into seat belts. Not a fun experience.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 3 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite TV show

This is pretty explanatory.... Psych is my favorite TV show

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 2 - 30 Day Challenge

Day 2: A picture of you and the person you have been closest to the longest

Well this is actually a hard choice. But I guess if I had to choose, it would have to be Erik my brother. Since I was very young he has always watched out for me, and always been the first to come to me when I needed someone to confide in. And even now, I look up to no one more than Erik. I wish nothing more from life than to live by his legacy, and it will always be that way. :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The 30 Day Challenge O_o

Ok so at first I was totally against these things... Then I woke up this morning and realized I needed something to do.... So yeah, here ya go. :\

Day 1: A picture of myself with ten facts

1: I'm a Christian

2: I've never been to school a day in my life

3: I like to draw

4: I speak partial Japanese

5: I apparently dislike posting pictures of myself with eyes. O_o 

6: These fact things tire me out 

7: I'm actually really hungry right now....

8: I can't think well when I'm hungry

9: Oh good only one more!

10: I like chocolate

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