Saturday, April 30, 2011

Finally, a Relevant Post!

Oh it feels SO good to just be done with that thing... It had become far too tiresome to stand.
Anyway, all has been good! I'm really glad to be done with school now that spring is (supposedly) on it's way!
I have the great news that I will be going to New York come the 10th of May! And I have been looking at some Japanese/Korean clothing recently, and I found some really cheep stuff online! I'm going to be attending a very high end dinner whilst visiting the city, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to get a new dress!......or two... And I've also been REALLY wanting to get a cardigan for a long time since I don't have one, and my mother was kind enough to allow me to order one with my dresses! But the sad thing is, I HAVE NO IDEA WHICH ONE!!!! So as I truly can't decide I was wondering if any of you could help me? It would mean a lot if you could let me know which one you think is best!!!! :D

Option no. 1

Option no. 2


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