Anyway, all has been good! I'm really glad to be done with school now that spring is (supposedly) on it's way!
I have the great news that I will be going to New York come the 10th of May! And I have been looking at some Japanese/Korean clothing recently, and I found some really cheep stuff online! I'm going to be attending a very high end dinner whilst visiting the city, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to get a new dress!......or two... And I've also been REALLY wanting to get a cardigan for a long time since I don't have one, and my mother was kind enough to allow me to order one with my dresses! But the sad thing is, I HAVE NO IDEA WHICH ONE!!!! So as I truly can't decide I was wondering if any of you could help me? It would mean a lot if you could let me know which one you think is best!!!! :D
Option no. 1
Option no. 2