Friday, November 12, 2010

New Schedule

Since I started this project series I haven't been able to hold my posts off until the end of the week... And I really didn't want to have a huge number of posts and then, just ......none.... Sooo I decided to start scheduling them! They will be on Fridays and Tuesdays from here on out... Until of course I'm busy and have to post a different day... But anyway there it is... :)

I'm sorry I couldn't post my Project #3 today... I had planned too, but I had only remembered what the project was till just now! I had this slightly over sized sweater that I bought last year... And I wasn't too fond of the way it hung on me so this week I changed it tremendously!!! (In my opinion :)

So anyway, that was my project... and I'll be posting it Tuesday since I couldn't find my camera and I am really busy right now... So sorry! :(

Next Post: Tuesday 16th
 Project #3 - The Altered Sweater

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